
* 390 grams flour (3 cups)
* 1/3 sugar
* 2 teaspoonful baking powder
* 1 teaspoonful salt
* 3 egg
* 1/3 cup liquid Milk(needed to form a thick batter) ..You can use water as a substitute
* 1/4 cup melted butter (optional)
* Nutmegs (Optional)

Nigerian Buns Preparations :

* In a bowl, add the flour, sugar, baking powder, egg, salt, and milk(or water).

* To get a lighter consistency , you can use water .

* Mix thoroughly until the dough is well in cooperated.

* If your batter is thicker, you can mold it into balls

* Heat up the oil until moderately hot (the oil should not be smoking hot or the buns will just cook outside without doing the same inside).

* Scoop the batter or molded balls and drop into the hot oil .

* Fry on medium heat for about 5 to 10 minutes, or until it turns golden brown. Always steer with your spoon.

Note: if you want the texture of the buns sold on the streets, then leave out the eggs and use water in place of milk.

Tip: When you drop the batter, it should sink to the bottom of the pot or pan. Just wait a few seconds and move it a bit with your spoon.

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