Stop Buying Butter ~ Make Homemade Butter in 5 Minutes!

Heavy cream
Salt (optional)
Prepare the Cream: Pour cold heavy cream into a food processor, blender, or bowl (if using an electric mixer). The cream should be very cold for best results.
Start Churning: Begin processing or beating the cream on medium to high until it turns into whipped cream with soft, then stiff peaks. Keep mixing until the cream breaks down further, and the fat starts to separate from the liquid, about 3 to 5 minutes.
Watch for Separation: Mix until butter clumps together and separates from the buttermilk, a thin, watery liquid.
Drain the Buttermilk: Pour off the buttermilk (save it for baking).
Wash the Butter: Put butter clumps into a bowl, pour ice water over them, and gently press with a spatula to remove more buttermilk. Repeat until water runs clear.
Add Salt (Optional): Mix in salt to taste, starting with a pinch.
Shape and Store: Shape butter into a ball, block, or use molds. Wrap in parchment paper or store in an airtight container. Refrigerate or freeze.
Enjoy Your Butter! Homemade butter has a fresher, creamier taste than store-bought. Use for spreading, cooking, and baking.

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